Greatest Medicos...

 Agada Owulo 

He who puts his trust in the Lord is like mount Zion that cannot be moved.  The future is promising in Jesus’ name.


 After all has been said and done, relationships are still the most important things in life.  Seek a relationship with God and seek a peace relationship with all men, desire to leave people better than you met them.

Also remember, whatever you set your mind to do or obtain in this life is attainable, so always persevere.

 Aluma Arichi Elizabeth


  Amadi Ijeoma N.

Whatever happens to you in life is for a purpose; so don’t be discouraged at any time.
No be God?  We started wondering when we will ever end, now we’re ending, wondering how it all began.
We end one thing to begin another, and my prayer is that all beginnings good or bad ends well.  Stay cool!
- Skat.

  Bot Isaac

  Kana Musa Abubakar


…Medical school, like life as a whole, is not happy-only moments.  There were ups and downs, however, we tried to enjoy the great festival of life with one another.  We shared so many things.

 Farewells hurt, always more than one expected.  But I wish for all of us …”Comfort on difficult days, Smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughs to kiss you lips, sunset to warm your heart, gentle hugs when your spirit sags, and God’s grace to get you through it all!!!

                                                                                                                       -M. Kana

Life is full of ups and downs, there is nothing one can do about that. There's however something you can always do: Keep your head up!

Ps. a relaxed attitude lengthens life; a jealous one rots it away.

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 Mutbam Kitgakka Samuel