Greatest Medicos...

 Kagoro Benjamin 

It pays to always be your self.

Most times, a man’s grief is held up in his greed.

It is never over, until God says, “it is over”

“A life lived for others, is a life worth living” -Albert Einstein

“Take kindly the counsel of the years, and gracefully surrender the things of youth”- Desiderata found in Old Saint Paul’s Church Baltimore, 1602.

If the world can’t help the rich who are few, it definitely can’t help the poor who are many.

 Katbi Moses O.

Lar Stephen Fredrick

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
Its loveliness increases and never passes to nothingness.

 It was a long distance flight to many, a rough ride, some would say, yet to others it was smooth sailing.  Whatever it was, thank God the journey is all over.  But one thing remains, - the future.  With God very much around to guide you through, if you avail yourself, standing firm and remaining focused in Him.

 Lomak Chollom Paul

 Longshak Emmanuel Filibus

If you easily get satisfied with your achievements, you may never leave your footprints on the sands of time… Note that nature is full of simplicities…Thank God for that.

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